There are four main levels of romantic relationships that we see on Earth today. Being aware of which level we are currently engaging allows us to fully own our lessons there and grow to the next level more easily if we desire to do so. Each level is necessary for us to engage in order to move onto the next level. Each level has a different type of co-dependency, except for the Intuitive level, which is free from co-dependency. Some of us spend more time at a given level than others. We can also stagnate at any level, especially if we are unaware that more options exist. I am going to share a brief description of each of these levels so that you may get a sense of where you are in this process of evolution and have a map for your growth!
These four levels are identified as: Instinctive | Intellectual | Idealized | Intuitive
Instinctive Level
When we are at the Instinctive level of relationship, we seek safety in our partners. From birth, we are imprinted that our parents are providers of safety, because they keep us alive. In our romantic relationships at this level, we choose partners who are the same patterns as our parents, because they are familiar to us and we have the (unconscious) belief that they will make us feel safe. We are attracted to others for their sexiness or their intelligence.
Although we may be strongly driven towards sexual relationships, we don’t really fully enjoy sex at this level, because we are unable to experience the fullness of it. We want pleasure, but the pleasure we experience is limited to either our sensations or our feelings, not both. In order to experience the wholeness of pleasure, we must be present to both sensations and feelings.
We can tell that we are at the Instinctive level by the degree of excitement we experience in our relationships. Excitement is an ungrounded experience in the body that ultimately takes energy from us, rather than replenishing us. Excitement is distinct from aliveness, which is a grounded experience of enthusiasm in our bodies. Do we feel excited when someone finds us physically attractive? Are we excited by others’ outer appearances? Are we looking to be wanted? These are all indicators that we are instinctively driven.
What we are learning at this level is how to be more integrated within our bodies, so that we can experience real innate beauty, rather than objectified outer expressions of beauty. When we are integrated in our bodies, beauty becomes apparent all around us. We don’t seek outer things or addictive experiences to feel alive. We feel reliable aliveness from within and connect to others through shared life energy.
Intellectual Level
When we are at the Intellectual level of relationship, we seek long term security in the partners we choose. At this point in our growth, it is about differentiating ourself from others to own our uniqueness, so we choose partners who are polar opposites to us. This is the level where the phrase “opposites attract” applies. We find ourselves most drawn to those who are different from us in certain ways, though they may initially seem to want the same things in life. We are attracted to others for their strength or their innocence.
Although we may by attracted to polar opposite partners with the belief that we will make a great team together, we instead often end up polarized in defensiveness with our partners, unable to work with each other as we hoped we might. We seek power, but we end up feeling separate from one another because the power we experience is polarized towards either our thoughts or emotions. In order to experience balanced power, we must be present to both our thoughts and our emotions.
We can tell we are at the Intellectual level by the degree of intensity we experience in our relationships. Are we always trying to prove that we are right? Or are we always submitting to our partner that they are right? Do we find ourselves in conflict frequently? These are all experiences of intensity. Intensity is distinct from wisdom, which is a balanced, truth inspiring experience. If our perspective is true, why do we need to push it upon others? When we are pushing, or being pushed upon, this indicates imbalances in truth.
What we are learning at this level is how to integrate our mind, so that we can experience true wisdom, rather than partial, polarized expressions of truth. Partial truths are imbalanced towards thoughts or imbalanced towards emotions. Usually we choose a partner who has one half of the truth, the half that we do not have. For example, our partner is strong in their thoughts, while we are strong in our emotions. We come to learn that we need to create balance within ourselves, considering emotions and thoughts equally, to experience wholeness in truth. We are learning how to be autonomous in our relationships.
Idealized Level
When we are at the Idealized level of relationship, we seek self-importance through our partners. At this level, we choose partners who are more similar to us in their passions and ideals. We enjoy talking about the things we are passionate about, the world we would like to create and who we feel we are. At this level, we believe we are our ideals, so we choose partners who can reflect back to us more of ourselves through shared ideals. We want to know, what is our contribution to the world?
Although we may be attracted to people with similar passions and ideals, we eventually recognize that if we can’t ground those ideals into reality together, our capacity to contribute together is limited. We want passion, but passion without action leads to empty dreams. We learn that we need to get into action so that we can identify which ideals we actually have the capacity to bring into reality. Otherwise, we end up lost in the idea of what our relationship is, disconnected from the reality of it.
We can tell that we are at the idealized level by the degree of anxiety we experience in our relationships. Are we finding ourselves alternately magnetized to people and then repulsed by them? Do we create stories about people and then later find out that they do not live up to who we thought they were? Do we expect others to believe that our ideals about ourselves are who we are, even if we are not living our ideals?
What we are learning at this level is how to integrate our body with our mind, so that we can experience awareness in the moment, rather than being lost in an idealized dream world that we have no capacity to make real. We come to learn that in order to experience true passion, we have to live it by making our ideals real…. and in order to experience true intimacy, we have to be honest about the wholeness of who we are, the light and the dark.
Intuitive Level
When we have reached the Intuitive level of relationship, we are no longer seeking safety, security or self-importance through our relationships. Rather, we seek creative connections that serve a purpose outside of our relationship, supporting our contribution in the world. We have fully accepted that we have come here to make a contribution and that our contribution is more important than a co-dependent exchange of needs.
Intuitive level relationships choose service to others over self. They choose love over fear. They support us in fulfilling our missions on Earth.
***These levels have been identified through the scientific + spiritually based system of Higher Alignment. This writing is my own digestion and interpretation of this work, based on personal experience as well as my coaching work with individuals and couples.
If you would like to understand your relationships more clearly and choose relationships that are aligned with your life lessons, reach out to me at