Love Is Being Your True Nature

How Each Creative Energy Experiences Love

Love in its highest form is the expression of our true nature or the nature of our soul. We are all unique creative beings who creatively contribute in a myriad of ways. There are seven creative energies that exist in our world. Each being on our planet holds these energies in various proportions. Human adults have a primary creative energy, a secondary creative energy and tertiary creative energy (also called the mental body). Understanding these energies can help us to understand how we experience love. 

See if you can identify which energies you have within you by how you experience love. Go deep within yourself - which are the most true for YOU, independent of what you may have been taught by your parents, your partners or society. Whichever description resonates the MOST is likely the energy that you are currently embodying the most. This could be your primary, your secondary or your tertiary energy, depending on where you are in your development. 

Consider the following in terms of how you give and receive love. Which of these expressions feels like the most natural way for you to be yourself? Which of these expressions makes you feel seen and loved by others? 

1 Orchestrators

Orchestrators experience love through group action. They show love by demonstrating their commitment to action and their comprehensive understanding of how things work on a massive scale. They love when others commit and engage fully in a process with them, leading to powerful outcomes. Think Gandhi.

2 Compassionates

Compassionates experience love through sharing physical affection and attentive care. They embody and share their innate loving wisdom. They love acts of service, offering gifts, supporting the common good and responding to the needs of others. Think Mother Theresa or Martin Luther King, Jr. 

3 Implementers

Implementers experience love through physical activities - bonding through action. They possess in themselves and appreciate in others a willingness to participate in all activities. They have extraordinary body wisdom. They love efficient project completion. Think Serena Williams or Chuck Norris. 

4 Inventors

Inventors experience love through freedom and openness. They are out-of-the box problem solvers who love spontaneous adventures and trying new things. Adaptability, flexibility and availability are all qualities that allow inventors the spaciousness to be free to experience life’s opportunities as they come. Think Marilyn Monroe or Bob Marley. 

5 Investigators

Investigators experience love through shared curiosity and discovery of truth. They love mutual research, interconnecting thoughts and traditional problem solving. They are the most neutral and unbiased of all the creative energies, thus they appreciate open hearted neutral connections. Think Carl Sagan or Jane Goodall.

6 Visionaries

Visionaries experience love through physical touch, quality time and being fully present in an experience, with highly focused attention. They love spiritual exploration and grounding spiritual energy on the planet, connecting us to a higher truth. They help people wake up to their true nature. Think Jesus Christ or Amma. 

7 Storytellers

Storytellers experience love through playfulness, humor and group expression. They love understanding, illuminating and conversing about patterns and events. They use their voice to bring people together. Storytellers love to be heard and felt in their resonant voice and the words they share. Think Oprah or Jerry Seinfeld. 

I hope you have enjoyed reading about how different creative energies experience love! The source of this wisdom is Higher Alignment, the Alice Bailey Work and the Tibetan Monk Djwal Khul. If you are curious to learn more about your own creative energies or for more information on how to access these teachings, please reach out to me with a private message.