Experience Expansive Love
Expansive Love:
Love that supports you in your authentic nature and on your true life path.
So often, our relationships cause a contraction of our true nature. Consciously or subconsciously, we believe we have to compromise parts of who we are to make our relationships work. I'm here to illuminate a different paradigm.
To experience expansive love....
Be your most natural and authentic self!
Be alive in your body.
Emotionally open.
Intellectually vibrant.
Creatively expressed.
Spiritually inspired.
Liberate yourself from conditioning, defensiveness, and idealization in your relationships.
Live the fullest truth of who you are, and you will naturally draw in fulfilling relationships.
My mission is to inspire you to create and nurture the relationships that best support you as the uniquely beautiful being that you are. Relationships in which your authentic nature is freely expressed and naturally appreciated. Relationships that are passionate, intimate, intellectually engaging, creatively joyful, and spiritually inspiring.
Let love expand your potential as a human.
That’s what it is meant to do.
“I am love, I am loved, I am loving. I feel the love vibration in my heart... I feel it expanding throughout my body. All there is, is love.”