Awakening Love
Illuminating your true nature and the nature of your relationships
So often, our relationships cause a contraction of our true nature. Consciously or subconsciously, we believe we have to compromise parts of who we are to make our relationships work.
I’m here to illuminate a different paradigm.
This paradigm is based on love. Not codependent, status quo, needs-exchange love, but true love that inspires each person to be their most authentic self in the relationship.
Each of us is a unique creative being with innate gifts. Our most fulfilling relationships are with the people who love who we are and how we contribute to the world.
Awakening love is about knowing, loving, and living from our true nature, and creating relationships that enrich our lives and support us to fulfill our missions on Earth.
It is a bidirectional, inside out process; wherever we begin, one path eventually leads to the other.
As we awaken love within ourselves, we draw to us those who naturally see and love who we are. As we awaken love with others, we are able to see and love others for who they truly are, and thus recognize and choose the relationships that will bring the most mutual fulfillment.
My mission is to inspire you to create and nurture the relationships that best support you as the uniquely beautiful being that you are. Relationships in which your true nature is naturally awakened and joyfully lived. Relationships that are enlivening, intimate, intellectually engaging, creatively flowing, and spiritually inspiring.
Let love awaken your true nature.
“Think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.”